CHUNKS #4: "EXIT 13"
Something terrible lurks out there, and we don't mean the depths of outer space. We mean the roads and highways. Why are more people are driving like maniacs these days? At what point did common, accident-preventing courtesies -- like using a turn signal or staying in your lane -- go out of style? Maybe there's a kind of power trip people take when they're motoring a 4,000 pound vehicle at 70 miles an hour. Suddenly they feel like they don’t need to answer to anybody, like anything goes, like it really matters who gets to the next place fastest. These freeway sociopaths get away with their aggressive and dangerous behavior far too often. But what if somebody, or something, is paying attention -- if there's such a thing as traffic karma? Could it take the form of an everyday item, as inconspicuous as a cursed mobile-phone charger cable?